What do you do when something doesn’t work anymore or is not giving you the results you expect? Maybe it’s that one product on your inventory that just isn’t selling anymore. Or that lagging, old iPhone that you got a few years ago? You change or replace it with something new. Yes, you take out that product from your inventory and replace it with something fresh. And yes, you also get a new phone (maybe this time a Samsung).
Your website is one of the first things that potential customers see of your company. If you have an outdated website, it can make people think that your company is old-fashioned and has not been keeping up with current trends. This, in turn, can result in people not trusting your company and going elsewhere.
A great website equals a successful business!
Having a website that’s up-to-date and works well is essential for your business’ success. Wondering if your website needs an upgrade? It may be time for a new website if…
Your website looks and feels outdated.
If your website was built more than 3 years ago, it’s likely that it has fallen behind on the latest design trends. Web design is constantly changing and your site should reflect the latest trends, in order to stay up-to-date with your visitors. They don’t want to feel like they are browsing through old websites or become frustrated with outdated technology.
Your website doesn’t work on mobile devices.
As the world moves away from desktop computers and towards mobile devices, your website needs to be optimized for mobile browsers. Mobile responsiveness is a must when it comes to web design. Google actually favors mobile-friendly sites and boosts their ranking on search results. Does your website require users to zoom in order to read the content? Does your website look weird on mobile or doesn’t work at all? Then it might be time for a new website.
Your website doesn’t reflect your brand.
Your website should be aligned with your brand. Do your logo and website have matching color schemes? Does your website content sound completely different from your current brand voice? Maybe your website was created back when you first started your business. Does it still represent the type of business you have evolved to be now? Answering these questions honestly should give you a better idea of whether or not you need a new website.
You have no time to edit your website.
Yes, we all have to start somewhere. Many times I recommend new business owners start with a DIY website. But as your business grows, you will realize that time is money. All those hours (and a few too many glasses of wine) trying to edit and make changes to your website would be better spent running your business and focusing your efforts on where you excel. If you’re too busy and would like to have a website that looks professional, it is time to let a professional help you with a new website.
Your website simply does not look good.
As much as we’d want to deny it, people still judge a book by its cover. So if your website looks tacky on desktop, tablet, or mobile, they’ll leave – as simple as that. This doesn’t apply just to how it looks, but also to how easy it is to use. High-quality design builds trust and credibility, which is why it is very important to invest in new website design.
When is it time for a new website? Final verdict.
If any of these statements were reflections of your current website, it may be time to get a new website for your business. Your website should be something that makes you proud and truly represents your business. If it doesn’t work well and it’s not giving you results it may be time for an upgrade.
At Boost Web Studio, we specialize in professional website design services tailored to meet your unique business needs. Our team of experts will create a visually stunning and user-friendly website that not only showcases your brand but also drives traffic and boosts conversions. Take your online presence to the next level with our exceptional website design services. Contact us today for a consultation!